My Journal September 12, 2014

Log Entry Earth Time September 12, 2014, 09:25.30 pm CEST

I think it is time for another journal today.  It is raining outside and the first leaves are falling from trees that are slowly coloring themselves.

This morning I had to drive to the veterinary with Kiba, he needed some vaccinations and we were a bit overdue, nothing severe. Kiba was nice at the vet and got his shots, the last ones as I don’t believe that we will be here next year September.

At first he made troubles when I worked on securing him in the car. He has a harness for this, inherited from Bobby who had the same height like Kiba has now and it will be big enough when Kiba is full grown. He fighted against me putting him into this harness, puh, he has fine sharp small teeth. He still loves to bite and we have to be patient and consequent in ignoring him when he bites us. All in all it is getting better with him, love and patience work wonders. 🙂

Spiritually it was an important day for me. I know already that the sickness and diseases of other people affect my body and my health. This is due to my very close connection to all-that-is. My Oneness with all-that-is. But this is not the only thing that affects me.

Since long I am homesick and feel also lost in this duality. I search for the door out of this prison and can’t find it. That search led me to the knowing that I played such a disastrous role in the demise of Atlantis.

sternenhimmel-ueber-afrika-f96415cc-7830-463d-b6ef-9a0c9227137ecredits to Johanna Murgalla

This homesickness and feeling lost is very strong in me. This evening I was talking with a close friend, a relative from home, about my leaving and her sadness and pain for this and suddenly I knew why I have these strong feelings. It is the same reason why my body is affected so much by the diseases. It is my deep connection, my Oneness with all-that-is that let me not only feel my own emotional pain (my homesickness and feeling lost) but also the pain of the other people on earth.

Yes, I am an empath but this goes far beyond empathy. In some way I am at least spiritually on the bright side of life as I am connected with my team and can ask and talk with them. I know I am home energetically but I want to see and hear my team, my family and my Twin Flames physically too. Feel them physically and not only their energies with my palms. My conversations are telepathically and I can see their energies sometimes with my third eye. I am lucky in this and other channelers and Lightworkers too. Most people can’t see or hear the Light Beings from behind the veil and often enough they don’t even know what is happening. They feel separated from Source and lost in duality. Like I do although I am so very connected with Source and my team. It is the physical thing that is the missing part. And this feeling lost is enforced by the feeling lost and the homesickness of so many human beings on earth due to my deep and strong connection to them.

I work on it now. As I can heal other people in healing myself physically I can heal myself and other humans in this too. I know it works. We are truly ONE.

I believe also that I can help and heal this when I am back home in AEON. When my homesickness is gone it will also diminish in people. They will feel and remember their connection with Creator like I do.

This is another reason why it is time for me to leave. This and my next assignment in the ascension process for Gaia and her inhabitants.

I am still patient and calm, in balance and light in my heart. I am ready and know it is happening and I trust my team completely in this. They prepare me for an easier and safe transition and give advice what I can do for this.

I love my team, my twins and my husbands of all eternity, Silverstar and SaLuSa.

And I love all-that-is, that includes you all. ❤

I am loved and I love.

I AM the IAM

I am love, I am light, I am life

Golden Star

EnnKa Princess of Lyra, Limoria and Sirius

Copyright © 2012 – 2014 by Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

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