No message today. I am too tired and much too exhausted and unconcentrated. The energies are extreme for me today and I will go sleeping early for the needed rest. The last weeks and months have been difficult and hard and my body is tearing down. I have to pay tribute now for all the energy clearing and cleansing. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I love you all. <3 <3 <3

18 thoughts on “No message today. I am too tired and much too exhausted and unconcentrated. The energies are extreme for me today and I will go sleeping early for the needed rest. The last weeks and months have been difficult and hard and my body is tearing down. I have to pay tribute now for all the energy clearing and cleansing. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I love you all. <3 <3 <3

  1. May your body receive double the rest, Light, and Love.
    Please do not believe or allow into your thoughts that your physical body is tearing down. Our Beloved parents would not permit that to happen to you, one of their Beloved messengers. Much LOVE heading your way, Sirian. Hugs.


  2. Much love to you Isabel, huge warm hug!
    I feel exactly the same. Since Sunday.. the energy is truly intense now.
    Take good care of you.


    • Thank you my dear Eliza <3. I slept around 9 hours but am still so tired. I'll need much coffee to go through the day and myteam said it would be alright for me now. Love you ❤ ❤ ❤


  3. Hi Isabel,
    These short messages have been so useful and inspiring to me. True, last week’s energies have been too intense. Please don’t forget grounding ! The Divine Mother has told us to do it regularly.


      • Sister, drinking coffee is not advisable during the periods of rest . Coffee activates our nervous system which interferes with rest. Instead, few glasses of buttermilk will do!*_*


      • My dear Chetan I know, but during the day I had to do my job and there was my attention needed. I can’t sleep during my job and I don’t drink coffeee when I rest. Thank you for the good advice. ❤ ❤


    • My sweet sis <3. Yes, I take care of me and you know who too. They told me the time is coming nearer now and the last coming back was really the last for me. Maybe I did too much, but it was worth it. I love you all so much. ❤ ❤ ❤


  4. Hey Isabel…Our SUPPORT AND OUR LOVE to you …take a rest…, thaks very much for all your beautiful work, with your messages.., in hope you feel better…
    Many blessings…LOVE & LIGHT


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